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Action Alert: Urge Congress to Pass the U.S.-Greece Defense and Interparliamentary Partnership Act of 2021

The American Hellenic Institute (AHI) supports legislation introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) & Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) : U.S.-Greece Defense and Interparliamentary Partnership Act of 2021.

“The United States must take steps to strengthen the US-Greece defense relationship, and the U.S.-Greece-Israel-Cyprus 3+1 mechanism, which is in the best interest of the United States and regional stability.” AHI President Nick Larigakis said. “This legislation will successfully advance these priorities.”

Larigakis added, “AHI congratulates Senators Rubio & Menendez for building upon the East Med Act, and advancing legislation that will further institutionalize the United States’ support for the 3+1 relationship and the U.S.-Greece defense partnership. I urge the swift passage of this legislation.”


Contact your legislators, identify yourself as a constituent, and ask to speak with the legislator’s legislative director or foreign affairs legislative assistant.

Why Is This Legislation Important?

This bill will fundamentally strengthen the US-Greece defense partnership, as well as establish additional formal processes to support the 3+1 mechanism.

What Will the Legislation Do?

U.S.-Greece Defense and Interparliamentary Partnership Act of 2021

  • Authorizes International Military Education and Training (IMET) assistance to Greece for FY2022 – 2026.

  • Authorizes European Recapitalization Incentive Program (ERIP) assistance to Greece.

  • Encourages the U.S. government to send direct loans to Greece for the procurement of defense articles and services.

  • Authorizes the President to expedite delivery of any future F-35 aircraft ordered by Greece.

  • Requires the Secretary of Defense, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, to submit a report to the appropriate Congressional committees on Greece’s defense needs and how the United States can best address them.

  • Authorizes the establishment of an interparliamentary group among Cyprus, Greece, Israel and the United States, in order to create a legislative component to advance the 3+1 process. The U.S. delegation will be termed “United States group,” and will consist of not more than six United States Senators, whom will be picked by the majority and minority leader of the Senate.

Contact Your U.S. Senators Today!